Family Legal & Mediation services

Mediation Attorney in Boca Raton

Comprehensive Mediation Attorney in Boca Raton

At KWG Law Family Mediation Services, located in Boca Raton, we excel in providing expert mediation solutions designed to assist families navigate disputes with grace and efficacy. Our method is to encourage constructive conversations that lead to agreements beneficial to all involved.

Expertise in Mediation

A couple sitting at a desk with a collaborative lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, who is writing on a pad, depicting a professional legal consultation

A mediation attorney in Boca Raton at our firm is not just a facilitator but a guide through the complexities of family disputes, ensuring that each party’s voice is heard and respected. Our services cover a wide array of family issues, including divorce, child custody, and other sensitive matters, helping to avoid the need for court intervention.

Navigating Divorce and Custody with Ease

Led by Kristen Goss, our mediation process is tailored to reduce the emotional and logistical stress often associated with family legal issues. Recognizing the challenges of creating parenting plans and time-sharing schedules, we strive to mitigate the strain for all parties, particularly when children’s living arrangements are involved. Our goal is to smooth the transition, fostering a more harmonious outcome for everyone.

Why Choose KWG for Mediation?

Choosing to work with a Mediation Attorney in Boca Raton at KWG means selecting a path of less resistance for resolving family disputes. We are committed to creating a safe, respectful, and impartial environment where each party can freely express themselves and work towards a constructive resolution.

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Family Mediation FAQ's

What is the role of a family mediator in a divorce, paternity, or modification case?

A family mediator is a neutral third party who does not represent anyone in the case. A family mediator cannot provide legal advice.  Instead, a family mediator helps the parties in a litigated divorce, paternity, or modification matter decide how they wish to settle their family legal issues.

Is family mediation mandatory?

Family mediation is mandatory if it is court-ordered. Prior to the parties attending a final hearing (trial) in front of the Judge, mediation is oftentimes ordered as a last good faith effort for the parties to attempt to settle their differences.  On the other hand, family mediation can be a method the parties decide to use on their own without a court order.

How long does family mediation last?

Family mediation ranges from 0 minutes (when the parties fail to show up to the mediation) to numerous hours depending on how long it takes to finalize an agreement in a divorce, paternity action, or modification matter. Mediation can last for more than one day to settle the issues.

How is family mediation different from collaborative law?

Family mediation is a confidential process used either during the litigation of a divorce, paternity action, or modification matter or outside of court upon the parties’ agreement to settle a family legal dispute. The people involved do not have to have attorneys representing them.  Collaborative law is a process used outside of court wherein the participants desire to resolve their divorce, paternity, or modification matter with the representation of attorneys.

Do the parties have to agree on the outcome during family mediation?

While self-determination is encouraged, if the parties cannot resolve an issue or all issues, they do not have to sign an agreement. Whatever issues are unresolved can be tabled for another time or are decided by the Judge.


Florida Supreme Court Certified


Family Legal and Mediation Services


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