Family Legal & Mediation services

Family with two children, a boy and a girl, joyfully walking together on a sidewalk, depicting a happy family moment.

Sole Parental Responsibility & Mental Health for Children in Florida

Mental Health for Children

There is no such thing as sole custody over a child in Florida.  The term changed to sole parental responsibility.  Parental responsibility is an issue in divorce and family law or paternity matters that must be addressed.  Parental responsibility refers to the determination of which parent will make major decisions that impact their child or children.  For example, what school should the children attend?  Which doctors should the children go to?  What religions will the children participate in?   

There are different kinds of parental responsibility.  Shared, which is when both parents must make decisions together.  Shared with ultimate decision-making authority, which is when both parents must make decisions together, but if there is a disagreement, the parent who maintains ultimate decision-making authority is allowed to make the final decision.  Sole parental responsibility is when only one parent makes all of the major decisions that impact the children.  In Florida, the trend is that both parents are to maintain shared parental responsibility over their children.  There is an exception, and that pertains to the issue of mental health.   

When there are mental health concerns impacting the children, either parent may enroll his or her children up for therapy.  January is mental health awareness month.  If you find yourself in a situation where your children’s safety is at risk, know your legal rights.  After contacting the police, consult with a divorce or family law attorney right away.
Kristen Goss, Esq.
KWG Family Legal and Mediation Services, LLC
6750 N. Andrews Avenue Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
(954) 727-8081
[email protected]
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